Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday...July 11...Starved Rock to Harborside...40 miles...2 locks... We are starting to count each lock as a four hour turn. Thinking that if we make it through in less than four hours, we've earned some sort of honor! This day was no exception...tows and barges are backed up...waiting waiting waiting. We anchored and enjoyed a cool breeze at the first lock of the day just outside of Ottawa. Then, they had us ride up with a light tow (he had no barges) and we both "shot the gap"... That little space between the end of the lock, the waiting barges and the cement cells that keep folks from going over the dam. Turn time at this lock was 4 hours and 10 minutes. Current is getting to be less of an issue as we get closer to Chicago so we made great speed up river to lock number two. Made up for the extra 10 minutes at lock one. Not that it did us any good...again, tows waiting on both sides...lockmaster says, "come on down and anchor between my island and the two cement cells on the left bank where I can see you...I'll try to get you up but it is going to be a in at least four hours." Even though it looked like a rather precarious site, we did it! 2:40 in the afternoon and we are less than 3 miles from our stop for the night....but we can't get there! Captain Floyd fired up the generator and AC ...Dakota and I were very comfortable, thank you so very much. Reading and snuggling took up our afternoon...Floyd, on the other hand, had a ringside seat for all that was happening at the lock. Smoking cigars and supervision of that work kept him occupied...did you know that tows have groceries delivered to the locks? No wonder it takes so long. We knew SAM FLEMING was a down bound split...and were ever so hopeful that they could pull his first set of barges forward enough to squeeze us in for the up switch....and sure enough...suddenly lockmaster is saying get in here...up anchor (more difficult than usual, as Floyd had caught some sort of iron piece in the anchor)...but we "shot that gap" and then "shot the other gap" getting out!  6:25 pm and we are tied to the dock at Harborside! Woo hoo!

Our dilemma for tomorrow is 55 miles and THREE locks...the last one at Navy Peir won't be an issue..these tows and barges don't go that way...too many tour boats and water taxis...but the other two locks, oh my! That adds at least 8 hours (could be more) to our already long travel day. Our AIS app shows boats backed up on both sides of both locks..and we know the ones we traveled with today will be added to that traffic. Our only hope is that they work through the night to get them through...and because we're a pleasure craft they will work to fit us in. Floyd's getting really proficient at "shooting the gap"...

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