Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Two days on the wall in beautiful downtown restaurants (unless you count Wendy's three blocks away) grocery store or laundry in the water...but electricity is free and we've got books, oreos, chips and dip!!! Diet Coke, Pepsi and alcohol...We've got shade shade...lots of shade and grass for sweet Dakota...and plenty of folks walking around staring into their phones looking for Pokemon Go...what a deal!!!

 Talked with the Lock master this morning and they are on track to open at 7 PM tonight...with a long backlog of tows headed south. We plan to listen in on VHF 14 to that chatter...but for now, we are planning to head to Chicago in the morning. Corps rule is that every third lock through should include a pleasure craft, if they are waiting. We are planning to be in sight of the lock master...waiting... since we are north bound, shouldn't be an issue. Stay tuned to see how that works for us!!! lol

In the meantime, we've made some cruising plans, booked a grooming for Dakota, ordered cigars, paid bills, and napped!!!! I'm waiting to purchase Cubs tickets until we really arrive in Chicago. Floyd's birthday is this weekend...BIG Celebration...Woo Hoo...

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