Saturday, July 6, 2019

Friday we made a quick visit to the grocery store and motored 19 miles to Arcadia. For the first time since arriving, we boated in short sleeved shirts. Amazing!! July 5...The harbormaster seemed to discourage us from coming...he kept saying there’s nothing to do. Just what we wanted. We made friends and gave boat tours most of the afternoon...ate and crashed. Dakota seemed happy to have no mortar shells blasting!

We woke to drizzling rain and cooler temps....of course! Michigan just can’t seem to hold on to summer. But nothing really to deter us from heading to Manistee. Little rocky rolly...and Dakota and I stayed inside for the two hour run...and the water is high! Almost over the finger piers...Floyd finally measured this afternoon....and stepping off the boat is a little more than 3 feet...even with the step stool, I’m asking for his help. Dakota was leaping on and off...but that little shower this afternoon raised it some more. He hesitated and Floyd is just sure wanted a lift!

Just when we thought we’d seen it all...we arrived in the middle of the duck race. A front loader parked on the bridge dumped over 1000 yellow rubber ducks into the river. They announced the numbers of the first three to cross the finish line...and the last one to cross. Then began the gathering. I was sure hoping to snag one...but they were too efficient!

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