Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Ludington is lovely...200 gallons of gas, pump out, into our slip....off to the quaint new little grocery store. It was more bistro/deli/liquor. We managed to purchase Diet Coke, bread, fruit and veggies...but not much else. We probably should have gone to the real one we knew that required a bus ride. Oh, well. Guess they have a real store in Muskegon...and we think the weather turns tomorrow so that gives me meaning and purpose. Dinner at Jamesport Brewery was delightful...Dakota played ball and took a long walk...we hit the sack early...long day tomorrow.

The horn comparison data shows that we are about the same volume as the SS BADGER but a totally different octave....BADGER is much lower which is probably why she doesn’t make babies cry...lol.

It’s a little early for Dakota and me but we’ve got a 7+ hour ride...and we think we won’t need long pants and sweatshirts today....woo hoo. But rain is coming....so probably back to that mid week.

We love the statues in the Ludington park...can you pick out the real child?? Lol, I couldn’t resist...

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