Wednesday, July 31, 2019

With extra RPMs and push from the current, we made Grafton at 4:36 pm...we sure thought it’d be later later later...our friends Cindy and Larry Kreissler aboard BUCKET LIST keep their boat here and were waving from the dock as we rounded the bend. The nice folks here put us in a slip close to them....but really, it was all about getting the dog to shore. He literally drug me up the walkway and ramp to grass....I can’t say that I blamed him. That was a long long time to wait!

Floyd and I wasted no time tying up the boat and getting those ACs a humming....then off to the bar to catch up with what was happening with BUCKET LIST..

We’re taking a down day today...Dakota can go to shore anytime he wants for the next three days....then two more long days for him and us til Paducah....with 2 locks and a night at anchor.

We are ever so glad for these cooler than normal temps...but really, they’re not that cool...we plan to be in Paducah on Saturday and Green Turtle Bay on Sunday.....stay tuned to see how that plays out! It’ll be interesting I’m sure! Once we pass St Louis there is no limit on can push as many as you think you can handle. Scary what they think they can handle and how that doesn’t always work so well! It’ll be interesting, for sure, for sure!!

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