Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Yeah for mobile dog groomers....and this one certainly went the extra mile. Even though she’s been grooming for five years, She’s brand new to the mobile business. Her new van is giving her fits...well, the generator is. So after spending most of the day at the repair shop...again...she still made the trip to Leland to bathe and trim our boy. He looks and feels so much better....and we get the benefits of that. While I waited, I managed to do my bit for the Leland economy. More books, hats, the tiniest little silver nativity set and ceramic address tiles....just what everyone needs.

Tressa (who I met courtesy of Facebook) and husband Ed Genord arrived in a gust of wind and came over for long chat last night. Yes, one of those moments of sheer terror. They are working their way home with their new boat....to be renamed TrEd Waters...hoping to start the looper life soon. So they head north while we’re going south. Was so much fun sharing stories and adventures....and they left with a promise to look us up when they pass through Green Turtle Bay. Maybe next year ...maybe the year after...

Rain, fog and clouds this morning....but no yellow or signs of red in these storms....Floyd is making preparations to drive from below where he’ll be warm and dry...and I’m sure use his radar and fog horn. He loves this stuff...me, not so much. It’s a five hour run at 7-8 mph...I’m betting you could drive there in 40 minutes. Oh, the joys of boating.

Looking forward to Frankfort....room for Dakota to run, sushi, and Shana....haircut and pedicures....we’ll be like new people for the Fourth....hope there’s a small town parade and no fireworks!

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