Saturday, July 27, 2019

So now there are four new house batteries....their $$$cost estimate was more than a little off...well , when you’re quoting two batteries to a guy who needs four the amount is not accurate. We did get to chat with that egghead! He just doesn’t get it....and my question is why were we even dealing with him...he knows little and did none of the work.

Spent the day reading and exercising the dog...and talking to the lockmaster. The Marseilles lock is currently under a maintenance  plan that has them completely closed from 6 AM  TIL 6 PM....the tows go through all night. Pleasure boats are low priority. We had heard that if you called in, they would guarantee passage at 530AM. Not necessarily. One boater here went on Thursday morning and didn’t get thru...however, they had him return at 530 pm that day for passage. We could have gone with him, except egghead didn’t order four batteries...when I called yesterday they were not very encouraging about getting us through. “Please call at 3 AM”...”I got 35 tows and barges might not make the cut “

No one slept well...we are 7 miles from the lock....dark boating is not what we do...and I haven’t seen 530 AM in years....let alone 3...... but you know what?? We managed! He said be there at 5....we were early...tows and barges everywhere...parked and waiting! We went right in...locked right down....the sun came up...we boated another couple of miles to Heritage Harbor Marina. Tied to their gas dock ...had a little breakfast and a nap while we waited for them to open at 9. Gas and pump out...headed to Starved Rock Marina...which is 2 tenths of a mile from the next lock that is operating under that same maintenance plan. It is a character place that has a bar and grill with ESPN ....and a cute boutique for women! I plan to boost the economy and watch the AfterShocks game.... then hit the sack early. Lockmaster says...not a here ready to roll at 5AM. WE GOT THIS,

Next stop is 65 miles down river at’s the IVY Yacht  club...and we understand wickets on the rest of the locks between us and Grafton are waiting. But for now....lots of tows and barges snugged into the shore .....waiting waiting waiting! Someone should probably tell them that they’re going the wrong way!

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