Sunday, June 21, 2015

...Thursday June 18...was exactly as promised...I'm sick and Captain Floyd is motoring us up the Hudson. I did manage to stay around to take great photos of the little red lighthouse...Our favorite!

Seems this light house was deemed "unworthy" of service after the completion of the massive George Washington Bridge, with all it's fancy lights. But then one foggy night, boats had trouble seeing the bridge lights because they were too the little red light house was returned to full service. It is one small yet important lighthouse. It was fun seeing it again.

And that is about all I saw. Other than making the necessary appearances to handle lines, I remained horizontal trusty nurse Dakota maintained a close watch...

and Floyd tip-toed around...I seemed to sleep, sleep and then sleep some more. None of which kept me awake that night. We've got the rental car and tours booked for tomorrow...Dakota will get a bath and trim...i can NOt be sick!!!

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