Sunday, June 21, 2015

Yes, behind again...seems to happen...and as much as I try to avoid it, I can't seem to help myself. Monday and Tuesday were rainy, cloudy foggy days for us...

we did laundry and trip planning waiting for the skies to clear. I managed to book tours for the three homes we wanted to see up the Hudson and even squeezed in a grooming visit for Dakota. So the days weren't totally wasted.

Wednesday dawned clear and bright so we headed across the bay for our last visit to the Big Apple. I scored big time at Macy' swimwear and replacement lip sticks. Floyd scored at the City Store with official NYPD and NYFD shirts...I found just a few things for a certain lil man I know...and we headed to the 9/11 memorial and museum. Didn't take us long to realize that today it was not going to happen. The crowd was unbelievable...but then it has only been open since May following two bad weather days, everyone wanted a ride to the top...not us. We just wanted outta there. So water taxi and back to the boat by 2:30...I had a little tickle in my throat and opted for a nap...Floyd made nice with other boaters while enjoying a cigar or two on the aft deck.

For our last night, we returned to the Liberty House was delightful...and we had a great view of NYC.

 We also heard about all the celebrities we missed seeing. Micheal Douglas and wife Catherine Zeta-Jones had eaten there last night. Geraldo Rivera had docked his boat here while we were here too. Gish, we need to pay attention!

My tickle throat is getting worse so I took serious drugs, "vicks"ed up and went to bed. Thursday promises to be a good day to head north to Croton-on-Hudson. Captain says just come up to handle lines...he can manage the rest while I off we go!!!

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