Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Saturday...May 30...up and at 'em...we are outta here...headed to Delaware City just off the C & D Canal...a quirky little place we have been before. I'd say we exited the canal at the perfect time to avoid this big fella entering. It is always best to avoid those wakes!!!

Looking forward to Crabby Dick's for supper...and then on to Cape May...or so we thought!!! Plan B, C, D , E....Crabby Dick's is closed for remodeling ...soft opening is maybe Tuesday...and weather does not look good for departure any time soon.

To be filed under small world...boat here named TOMFOOLERY...didn't look familiar but I sure knew the name...saw the people aboard and thought they look familiar...but where???? When??? then I heard her voice...and poof, they were staying in the other apartment when we had to rent space because we had prop issues in Marathon, FL in 2014...Peggie and Tom from Rhode Island...We've had great fun catching up...retired Cop, retired Teacher...he smokes cigars, too.

If fact, there are four retired cops and three retired teachers currently at this marina...a great open area for Dakota to run free...but hot, hotter, hottest!!! You step outside and  immediately start dripping. But we are here until the wind changes...Sunday night we paid a visit to the new local establishment...Lewinsky's on Clinton...what a hoot! Even had little blue dresses for sale...

Monday Peggie arranged a great pot luck...three retired cops each married to retired school teachers...we all thought the weather was looking good for Tuesday departure to Cape May. TOMFOOLERY is planning to leave at 3AM...whew, I thought my Captain did "o'dark thirty"...that seems extreme...but they are a sail boat. RHONDA JEAN thought maybe 5AM...we are thinking 7AM...it'll be an issue because marina in Cape May is full of folks trying to get to NYC as well...but if weather is good, some of them will leave so there will be room when we get there...we hope!!!

but alas...TOMFOOLERY was the only one to go...forecast changed and wind is way up from predicted. I think this is the same system that's been handing all that rain to Kansas...looks like it'll be more than a day before we get away...so maybe we'll get to eat at Crabby Dick's after all!!! At least it is cooler. We've gone from hot humid sunny upper 80s...to cool rainy windy  upper 50s...poof!!!  Oh, well, I've got chili in the freezer for today...and we'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow. This is truly a small town...no grocery store!

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