Sunday, May 16, 2010

John Paul Jones crypt beneath the chapel was pretty swell but the chapel was closed. Seems as though the cadets aren't allowed to marry until after graduation and the chapel was booked booked booked...well, graduation is next week. During our coming and going, I noted at least three different bridal parties rehearsing....but then as luck would have it as we were passing back to leave, the no visitor signs were we went...just like we knew what we were doing. What a marvelous place...special blue glass windows, blue carpet, and blue pew seat pads. Nautical religious scenes on the stained glass...used by all the religious groups on campus. Of special note was the candle in the pew...placed there in the 60s as a tribute to MIAs and is lit during services and no one sits in that matter how crowded the chapel may be. It has stayed on as a symbol of thanks and remembrance for those who serve and fight for freedom. Pretty darn cool way to say thanks if you ask me...

1 comment:

JacqueNelson said...

Glad you stuck around to see the inside. Great pics. The east coast is so interesting because it is older buildings, busy and such a variety! We've had almost enough rain the past 3 days to float your boat in our backyard river!